You are lying outside Julie General Hospital, an imposing concrete building with black crosses painted across its doors. The building's doors have been left wide open, and you can see that the interior of the building has been ruined.
Somebody has spraypainted Revives 1E onto a wall.
There is a lone zombie here.
There are eight dead bodies here. Two of them smell strange.
Somebody has spraypainted Revives 1E onto a wall.
There is a lone zombie here.
There are eight dead bodies here. Two of them smell strange.
Since your last turn:
- A zombie brought down the last of the barricades. (4 hours and 7 minutes ago)
- The lights came on inside a warehouse. (4 hours and 7 minutes ago)
- Victor mortal began to rebuild the barricades, using a length of pipe. (4 hours and 6 minutes ago)
- A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (4 hours and 6 minutes ago)
- The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (4 hours and 6 minutes ago)
- A zombie brought down the last of the barricades. (4 hours and 5 minutes ago)
- A zombie destroyed the generator. (4 hours and 5 minutes ago)
- The lights went out in Julie General Hospital. (4 hours and 5 minutes ago)
- A zombie killed DeAnna McDoom. (4 hours and 2 minutes ago)
- A zombie killed salientlucidity. (3 hours and 59 minutes ago)
- A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (3 hours and 59 minutes ago)
- The zombie grabbed hold of you! (3 hours and 59 minutes ago)
- A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (3 hours and 59 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago) ...and again. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago) ...and again. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago) ...and again. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago) ...and again. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago) ...and again. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- The zombie lost its grip. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- The zombie grabbed hold of you! (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago) ...and again.
- The zombie lost its grip. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- The zombie grabbed hold of you! (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- A zombie dragged you out into the street. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- You heard a low groaning from somewhere nearby. (3 hours and 58 minutes ago)
- A zombie stood up. (3 hours and 57 minutes ago)
- A zombie dragged kathryn nozed out into the street. (3 hours and 50 minutes ago)
- You heard a low groaning from somewhere nearby. (2 hours and 46 minutes ago)
- A zombie clawed at you for 2 damage. (2 hours and 38 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
- You were killed by a zombie. (2 hours and 38 minutes ago)
- You heard a distant groaning 2 blocks to the east. (1 hour and 56 minutes ago)
- 27.77 MHz: "Hucks at Flooks drinkin the lemonade" (8 minutes ago)
- 27.77 MHz: "Might be here a few nights yet lol.. hic..." (8 minutes ago)
You are dead.
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