Friday, November 13, 2009

Private Pubic said "I'd be overjoyed to join 1111...

You are inside Wedderburn Auto Repair. The building has been very heavily barricaded. Also here are Private Pubic (50HP) and Lara Tush (60HP).

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running.

Somebody has spraypainted join D.E.M. save MALTON ! onto a wall.

Since your last turn:

  • Private Pubic said "I'd be overjoyed to join 1111 if I may. Where do I sign up?" (6 hours and 54 minutes ago)
You say "No doubt Private, we are happy to have you on board. Add Squadron1111 to your group and get a radio and tune it to 27.77 so we can all stay in touch. The main job right now is to keep Tarasius protected and First Aid Kits flowing out. So going on healin"

You say "runs and checking nearby buildings for wounded is our main mission. The other goal is to defend St Wilibrord's & Hayler Bldg. I'd like you to go inside St Wilibrord's and gather First Aid Kits. Then use them to heal wounded. However, St Wili's is really"

You say "dangerous, so if you do get killed, go to Bragg Park next to Tarasius. With Squadron1111 in your group tag you'll get revived quickly. Focus on healing for now and getting XP to level up. Glad to have your help, let's keep saving lives!"

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