A badly damaged portable generator has been set up here. It is running, and powering a radio transmitter that's currently set to 27.77 MHz. A plastic Christmas tree has been set up here. One of the wards has been decorated with a stuffed crocodile, a stuffed moose head, an impressionist sculpture, seven carved pumpkins, a stuffed fish and two stuffed tiger heads.
Somebody has spraypainted 1111 Field Hospital and Zombie Research Centre VSB onto a wall.
There are two zombies here. You recognise Ferrio and grandpabody.
There is no generator here to repair.
- A zombie destroyed the generator. (5 seconds ago)
- You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (1 second ago)
Exhausted, you can go no further.
- A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (56 minutes ago)
- The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (56 minutes ago)
- A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (56 minutes ago)
- The zombie grabbed hold of you! (56 minutes ago)
- A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (56 minutes ago)
- The zombie lost its grip. (56 minutes ago)
- A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (56 minutes ago)
- The zombie grabbed hold of you! (56 minutes ago)
- DiSm healed you for 5 HP. (56 minutes ago)
- A zombie clawed at you for 3 damage. (56 minutes ago)
- DiSm healed you for 5 HP. (55 minutes ago)
- A zombie brought down the last of the barricades. (55 minutes ago)
- You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (55 minutes ago)
- A zombie killed IcyNewYear. (55 minutes ago)
- A zombie destroyed the tree. (55 minutes ago)
- Sarai Krieg killed a zombie with a shotgun. (55 minutes ago)
- A zombie killed Dr Coriell. (54 minutes ago)
- Malachi Krieg healed you for 10 HP. (52 minutes ago)
- Peter Glau killed a zombie with a pistol. (50 minutes ago)
- You heard a loud but muffled groaning from inside the building. (50 minutes ago)
- Til Schweiger began to rebuild the barricades, using a gurney. (50 minutes ago)
- Peter Glau killed a zombie with a pistol. (50 minutes ago)
- Peter Glau said "I´m so drunk and still whipped those zombies´ asses. But after all I´m Finnish, so the drunkesness is only natural..." (47 minutes ago)
- Raving Lunatic said "Man i thouggt that counterattack would come later. I just logged off right before it started" (36 minutes ago)
- andrewpandarew2 said "Dammit! I woke up too late to whoop ass D:" (35 minutes ago)
- Peter Glau said "Well it came and now... we just wait for another. Although I´m a bit too drunk to wait for anything so I´ll just keep on drinking..." (35 minutes ago)
- andrewpandarew2 said "Ima go out on an ammo run ;D" (34 minutes ago)
- Peter Glau said "I´m going for a drunk run then." (33 minutes ago)
- Raving Lunatic said "Hey dism you're just in time for the party!" (33 minutes ago)
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