Wednesday, September 2, 2009

We also have a bucket of hands...

You are inside Tarasius General Hospital, one of the city's psychiatric hospitals. The building has been heavily barricaded. Also here are Doctor Henry McCoy (50HP), Dick Laurent (60HP), Gooler (60HP), adee 1988 (60HP), Belle Snow (60HP), Jason Henry (60HP), Durroth Deathbane (60HP), Capt Rick Grimes (60HP), Spartan11pieh (60HP), Alex Station (60HP), salientlucidity (60HP), Callan Hunter (60HP), Zombberific (60HP), MBT Mousey (60HP), densoi (60HP), Scrunge (50HP), giligong (60HP), Linda Dutchie (60HP), Kiloditer (60HP) and Bran Rainey (60HP).

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running, and powering a radio transmitter that's currently set to 27.77 MHz.

Somebody has spraypainted 1111 Field Hospital & Zombie Research Centre VSB++ onto a wall.

You say "Morning everyone, glad to see you all. Current plan is to return to VSB today, and stay that way as long as we can. That will require vigilance on the 'cades and defending nearby bldgs so the Z keep busy away from here... DO NOT OVER CADE!!! THanks!!!"

You smash at the barricade. Part of it collapses.You smash at the barricade.You smash at the barricade.You smash at the barricade.You smash at the barricade.You smash at the barricade. It creaks.You smash at the barricade. Part of it collapses.

The building has been very strongly barricaded.

You broadcast "Tarasius at VSB++ open for low level folks! DO NOT OVER CADE" on 27.77 MHz.

You say "Tarasius is a field hosptial in the middle of a war zone. Lerwill has been red more often than not for years, and we provide shelter for the wounded, deperate and infected. We also have a bucket of hands to sew on. Our goal is to defend the weak...."

  • Linda Dutchie said "Thanks for the heal! :-)... and thank you for the warm welcome, Tassajaramonk" (1 minute ago)

You say "Hosptial radio is 27.77 if any nearby bldgs get invaded, radio us for help and we'll send healers. Squadron1111 defends this hospital and revives at Bragg Park. Please join our crusade to defend this corner of Malton and provide aid to the wounded...."

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