Thursday, December 3, 2009

Julie General Hospital 1111

You are inside Julie General Hospital, its empty wards criss-crossed with snapped quarantine tape. The building has been very heavily barricaded. Also here are sohofalco8 (60HP), Philip Oliver Holes (60HP), Antiartillary (60HP), gobuick (60HP), Morgana Flynn (50HP) and Capt Rick Grimes (60HP).

Somebody has spraypainted 1111isComingPrepareForZombieApocalypse onto a wall.

Since your last turn:

  • Antiartillary killed a zombie with a pistol. (14 minutes ago)
  • Antiartillary began to rebuild the barricades, using a desk. (14 minutes ago)
  • Antiartillary said "so now that we have control of julie whats the plan?" (13 minutes ago)
  • Morgana Flynn said "*Pops a bottle of Champagne!* *toasts*To VICTORY! ;)" (10 minutes ago)
  • Capt Rick Grimes said "Cheers Morgana! Now we sit back and watch these cades like hawks. Anyone got a generator?" (49 seconds ago)
You say "Bravo! --clinks glass each person--- Well done my friends! Once again the combined might of 1111 and ENVY has brought ruin to the zombie hordes. They are sure to break back in soon, so let's try to barricade as much as we can in the hours/days to come..."

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