Monday, August 16, 2010

Tarasius General Hospital: extremely heavily barricaded

You are lying outside Tarasius General Hospital, a tall concrete building with a curved roof. The windows are splashed with dried blood. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded - you can see no way to enter. Also here is RichieDagger (42HP).

Somebody has spraypainted Zombie All-You-Can-Eat Buffet onto a wall.

There are two zombies here. You recognise Hazuzu and smells like poop.

There are fourteen dead bodies here. Three of them smell strange. You recognise 2ndVln, Zalaran, dogdrool, Barry Abone, rannmann, Lothgar, Wilma Rotten, splunk907, Ferrio, grandpabody, Arcady and Dr Coriell amongst them.

You are dead.

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