Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fortress retaking the Gatehouse!

You are standing outside Fort Perryn gatehouse, twin guard posts overlooking a pair of heavy metal gates that block the road into the military base. The gates have been very strongly barricaded.

There is a mob of seventeen zombies here. You recognise Mink Snopes and Karrupt amongst them.

There are twenty dead bodies here.

You enter the building.

You are inside Fort Perryn gatehouse, standing beneath an overhang from the military complex's main wall. The gates leading out into the city have been very strongly barricaded. Also here are Igor Dolvitch (60HP), ORakoon (60HP), vidma (60HP), ReconHenry (60HP), Bucky Tesla (60HP), gobuick (60HP), Ataraxian (60HP), Evaw (60HP), RhysCrumblin (50HP), Kool Aids (59HP), Rick Fury (55HP), Capt Rick Grimes (60HP), beatlepuss (60HP) and Miss Elainious (60HP).

Somebody has spraypainted Fortress retaking the Gatehouse! onto a wall.

Since your last turn:

  • Kevin Turvey healed you for 10 HP. (6 minutes ago) ...and again.

You say "17 outside, 20 on the ground. Revives at a cemetery outside Malcomb Bldg... Hello 1111 & Hell Yeah The Fortress!"

Since your last turn:

  • ColonelHeero healed you for 10 HP. (4 minutes ago)
  • The lights came on inside Fort Perryn armoury. (2 minutes ago)

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